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Car Lock out near Buffalo, NY

Call and I'll be on my way. I'll need to know where you are and the type of car and I'll provide a firm quote for the service over the phone.

Duplicate keys

Don't wait until your last key is lost or broken. Its both less stressful and cheaper to get a duplicate made when it can be copied from an existing key. You can text me a picture of your existing key and I'll make sure I have the blank key in stock. If I don't, some keys I can have shipped overnight.

residential/automotive/commercial locksmith in Buffalo NY
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House lockout near Buffalo, NY

If you're locked out of your house call and I'll be on my way to get you promptly and safely back in. I cover greater Buffalo, from Niagara Falls, to Lockport, Medina, West Seneca, EAst Aurora, Springville, Hamburg and more. Call for a quote 24/7

Keypad Lock

Personally I use a keypad lock on a few doors on my home and property, I love the convenience. I keep a few keypad locks in stock which I would be happy to install. If there's a specific one you want I'd be happy to order it for you or even just install one that you order yourself.

Access control locksmith in buffalo NY and Erie county

Lock installation

Most locks use a similar door prep so if you're just looking to replace an existing lock with a new one and you're somewhat handy, go ahead and give it a try. Usually its fairly simple. If its a fresh installation, I'd suggest getting a professional locksmith to do the work. Its nice when everything lines up perfectly and the door is easy to use.. But either if its replacing an existing lock or a fresh installation of a new lock, I'd be happy to help and can provide a quote over the phone.

Professional lock installation in/near Buffalo NY

Lock servicing

If your locks aren't working perfectly, give me a call. I'll be happy to come take a look advise. I also have recommended lock lubricants for sale. More often than not, the difference between poorly and perfectly working door hardware is a few drops of lube!

residential/automotive/commercial locksmith in Buffalo NY
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Lost car key near Buffalo NY

I make can make keys for almost all cars on the road today. Even "dealer only" keys are no problem. I would need to bring my locksmith van and tools to the car and for most vehicles within 10-15 minutes you'll have a new key made. When you call for a quote, that quote would include programming of the key/smart key/remote/fob when that's needed as well as cutting of the emergency key when applicable.

Rekey Locks

To keep adequate key control when purchasing a new house or if you've lost your house keys, it is recommended to change the locks. Usually the most cost effective way to do that is by rekeying the locks. The locksmith would come to your home and rekey or re-pin all the locks on your house so that old keys do not work anymore. Instead you will have a new key made. Usually, all locks can be matched to the same key, but sometimes some of the locks would have to be changed in order to fit them all to the same key. As always, I'm happy to provide a quotes for the service over the phone.

Residential/commercial locksmith service in Buffalo NY

Vehicle remote programming

I'm more than happy to program a vehicle or fob you purchased yourself. Prices are ususally less than half what the dealer would charge. I'm happy to provide a quote over the phone.

automotive locksmith in Buffalo NY
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